Friday, August 15, 2008

A great day in history 08/15/74

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Braaaaad
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too!

This is what I heard when I answered the phone at 7:30 am. Mind you I was up late watching the Olympics again! lol The voice on the other end was none other than my mother. I think this ritual has gone on for probably 10 years. Bless her heart. I usually just let her sing it to my voicemail, but this year I said what the heck, I will answer the phone. :) She is sweet but predictable. :) Christmas every year, I always get a voicemail saying, " Merry Kiss My Ass." hahahahaha Mark my words, I will blog it on Dec. 25th 2008! I have received nmerous text messages and birthday wishes on Facebook. It makes me feel loved, even if I haven't even met some of them! I hope I can return the favor!

I think I am about to go check out IKEA. I need to find some small furniture for my badass but small future apartment. I am always prepared, so I am doing recon a little early! I don't really consider myself a small guy, so this should be quite interesting!!!! What is one more challenger during law school, right?

I am twitching...waiting for Merman to get his 7th Gold tonight! The Olympics have saved me! This is a horrible time for primetime television, so the Olympic stepped in and gave me some good quality TV time. After spending every night of the last four years in class or doing homework, I finally get to sit and watch TV. Boy did those writers piss me off with that strike! lol
Another day!

It's a new day...

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